Push and Pull factors of Mexican Migration

Push Pull Factors

Definition of Push and Pull factors of Mexican Migration to America
This article explains the Push and Pull factors of Mexican Migration to America for kids. What are Push and Pull Factors that relate to Mexico and what do they mean?

The push and pull definitions are as follows:

  • Push factors are the reasons why people leave an area - in this example Mexico
  • Pull factors are the reasons why people move to a particular place - in this example the United States of America

Push and Pull factors of Mexican Migration to America: Political, Economic, Social & Environmental Reasons
The push and pull factors of Mexican Migration are dictated by economic, political, environmental and social reasons. Discover specific events in the history of Mexico that prompted Mexican people to leave their homes to start a new life in America. 

Push and Pull factors of Mexican Migration: Examples of Mexican Migration
The following chart provides facts and information about some specific examples of Push and Pull factors of Mexican Migration to America.

Examples of Push and Pull factors of Mexican Migration

List and Examples of Push Factors

Political Factor: Autocratic President Porifirio Diaz of Mexico confiscated ejidos to sell the land to large companies forcing small Mexican farmers (campesinos) to find new homes and employment

Environmental Factor:The 1911 Michoacan earthquake and the Guerrero earthquake hit Mexico. The country suffers many such natural disasters

Political Factor: The violence and turmoil of the Mexican Civil War (1910 - 1920).

Political and Economic Factor: WW1 (1914-1918) created a labor shortage in the U.S. Mexicans were encouraged to work in America

Social Factor: Life expectancy in Mexico is 72 yrs

Political and Economic Factor: WW2 (1939-1945) created another labor shortage in the U.S. The Bracero Program (1943 - 1965) encouraged Mexicans to work in America

Environmental Factor: In 1946 a tsunami in the Gulf of Mexico occured. In 1947 the Eruption of Popocatepetl volcano when tens of thousands of people were evacuated

Social Factor: Poor education prospects. Adult literacy rates are 55%

Economic Factor: Deplorable economic conditions and poverty in Mexico push Mexicans toward the United States

Social Factor: Mexico has a high crime rate and drug trafficking features in the crimes

Environmental Factor: The climate and the parched arid land is characterized by a severe lack of available water

Social Factor: Poor medical facilities. There are 1800 patients for every  doctor

List and Examples of Pull Factors

Political security and employment potential

Lower risk from natural disasters and hazards

Safety, stability and security

New opportunities in a welcoming environment

Life expectancy in America is 76 yrs

Opportunities in a welcoming environment

Escape from the threat of more natural disasters

Excellent education prospects. Adult literacy rates are 99%

Greater wealth, better job prospects

Lower crime rate and better policing

There are far less water shortages in America

Much better medical facilities. There are 400 patients for every  doctor

Push Pull factors of Mexican Migration for kids: Pull Push factors of Mexico
To discover the full story of the Pull Push factors of Mexico go to Mexican Immigration to America for comprehensive facts, laws and history.

Push and Pull factors of Mexican Migration: Political Examples of Migration
Find examples of Political Factors such as significant historical events in Mexican history including wars, revolutions, political autocracy and violent conflicts which prompted the migration of Mexican people to escape political or religious persecution.

Push and Pull factors of Mexican Migration: Environmental Examples of Migration
Find examples of Environmental Factors relating to any devastating natural disasters that have hit Mexico such as crop failure or infertile land that led Mexican people to seek safety in a more settled climate and environment.

Push and Pull factors of Mexican Migration: Social Examples of Migration
Find examples of Social push factors that prompted migration from Mexico such as lack of education, medical facilities, high crime rate that led Mexican people to consider emigration in order to achieve a better standard of living and improve educational opportunities and health facilities.

Push and Pull factors of Mexican Migration: Economic Examples of Migration
Find examples of Economic factors that prompted immigration from Mexico such as poverty and high levels of unemployment that led Mexican people to consider emigration in order to achieve a better standard of living and improve employment opportunities.


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