Push and Pull factors of Italian Migration

Push Pull Factors

Definition of Push and Pull factors of Italian Migration to America
This article explains the Push and Pull factors of Italian Migration to America for kids. What are Push and Pull Factors that relate to Italy and what do they mean?

The push and pull definitions are as follows:

  • Push factors are the reasons why people left Italy, such as persecution, fear, natural disasters, poverty and unemployment
  • Pull factors are the reasons why people moved to the United States of America in search of freedom, safety, stability and new opportunities

Push and Pull factors of Italian Migration to America for kids: Political, Economic, Social & Environmental Reasons
The push and pull factors of Italian Migration are dictated by economic, political, environmental and social reasons. Discover specific events in the history of Italy that prompted Italian people to leave their homes to start a new life in America. 

Push and Pull factors of Italian Migration for kids: Examples of Italian Migration Chart
The following chart provides facts and information about some specific examples of Push and Pull factors of Italian Migration to America.

Examples of Push and Pull factors of Italian Migration to America

List and Examples of Push Factors

Economical Factor: The First US Industrial Revolution in America (Age of Iron) in the early 1800's centered on textiles, iron, steam engine inventions including the railroads. The boom in industry required labor.

Environmental Factor: The great crop failures and famines of the 1840's led to starvation, disease and dire poverty in Italy

Environmental Factor: The Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 caused devastation in which over 30,000 people died and resulted in the loss of thousands of homes.

Political Factor: Italy declared war on the Austrian Empire in 1866.

Economical and Political Factors: Immigration to the United States exploded in the 1880's due the Second Industrial Revolution (Age of Steel) that centered on Steel, Oil and Electricity and required unskilled labor to man the factories.  

Social Factor: Italian Immigration to America in the 1800's led to the establishment of the "Little Italy" district of the cities: a home-from-home environment to Italian migrants.

Environmental Factor: In 1906 Mount Vesuvius volcano erupted near Naples, killing nearly 1000 people and destroying homes and lands. Then, in 1908, the devastating Messina earthquake and tsunami, killed up to 200,000 people in Sicily and southern Italy. In 1915 an earthquake in Avezzano in central Italy killed 30,000 people. 

Political Factor: In 1925 Fascist leader Benito Mussolini seized power in Italy and became the dictator of Italy until his death during WW2 (1939-1945)

Social Factor: Italy had organized crime and political corruption was a feature of politics

Social Factor: Poor education prospects. Adult literacy rates were low

Social Factor: Poor medical facilities.

List and Examples of Pull Factors

The first Italian immigrants responded to the prospects of employment, increased wealth and a better standard of living in America.

To find more fertile land to escape hunger and disease and find safety in a more settled climate and environment.

Italians emigrated to the United States of America for a safer and more stable and secure future.

People emigrated to escape the violence and turmoil of war to peace in America.

Over 600,000 Italian immigrants seized the opportunity to build a new life and gain new employment without the political corruption that existed in Italy

Many Italians travelled to America to join their family and friends who had already established a new life in the United States.

Many Italians turned to the US as refugees seeking safety and a home with a lower risk from natural disasters and hazards 

Political refugees left Italy for political security and safety.

Lower crime rate and better policing

Excellent education prospects and higher adult literacy rates.

Much better medical facilities and a higher life expectancy in the United States.

Push Pull factors of Italian Migration for kids: Pull Push factors of Italy
To discover the full story of the Pull Push factors of Italy go to Italian Immigration to America for comprehensive facts, laws and history.

Push and Pull factors of Italian Migration: Political Examples of of Push and Pull factors in Italy
Find examples of Political Push and Pull factors such as significant historical events in Italian history such as wars, political autocracy, political corruption and violent conflicts which prompted the migration of Italian people.

Push and Pull factors of Italian Migration: Environmental Examples of Push and Pull factors in Italy
Find examples of Environmental Push and Pull factors relating to any devastating natural disasters that have hit Italy such as crop failures, famines, earthquakes and volcano eruptions that led Italian people to seek safety in a more settled climate and environment.

Push and Pull factors of Italian Migration: Social Examples of Push and Pull factors in Italy
Find examples of Social Push and Pull factors that prompted migration from Italy such as lack of education, medical facilities, high crime rate and corruption that led Italian people to consider emigration in order to achieve a better standard of living and improve educational opportunities and health facilities.

Push and Pull factors of Italian Migration: Economic Examples of of Push and Pull factors in Italy
Find examples of Economic Push and Pull factors that prompted immigration from Italy such as dire poverty that led Italian people to consider emigration in order to achieve a better standard of living and improve employment opportunities.


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